Name of Factory |
Name of factory in Spanish as named by Lucas Alamán or other sources. |
1843-1845, 1857 |
Year |
Year in which data is available from. |
1843-1845, 1857 |
Region |
Region of México where factory is located. |
1843-1845, 1857 |
Location |
City, town or location of the factory. |
1843-1845, 1857 |
Owner |
Listed dueños of the factory. “Varios socios” as implies multiple owners as written by Alamán. |
1843-1845, 1857 |
Factory Type |
Type of production (either spinning or weaving) done in the factory. Many factories did both. For 1857, this was either "Cotton Factory" or "Wool Factory." |
1843, 1857 |
Spindles Operating |
Total number of spindles current operating at time of data collection. |
1843-1845, 1857 |
Spindles Under Construction |
Total number of spindles planned or under construction. |
1843-1845 |
Spindles Inactive |
Total number of spindles not actively producing, extracted from 1857 data only. |
1857 |
Total Spindles |
Total number of operating spindles, spindles inactive, and looms under construction. |
1843-1845, 1857 |
Looms |
Number of looms employed in the factory. |
1843 |
Hours Worked |
Numbers of hours worked Daily in factory |
1843 |
Weekly Wage |
Amount paid to workers each week in (Spanish) dollars. |
1843 |
Weekly Weight of Cotton Produced (Quintales) |
The weekly weight of cotton produced measured in quintales. |
1843 |
Purchase Price of Cotton (Spanish Dollars) |
Amount cotton purchased for in (Spanish) dollars. |
1843 |
Weekly Yarn Produced (Pounds) |
Weekly weight of yarn produced in pounds |
1843 |
Weekly Mantas Produced (Pieces) |
Weekly amount of mantas produced in number of pieces. |
1843 |
Power |
Power that drives the factory. Either vapor, water, arms, or mechanizaiton. |
1843 |
Name Changed |
For 1844, 1845, and 1857, either Factory Name, Location, or Owner was changed to fit 1843 data. |
1844-1845, 1857 |