Data Fields

Data Field Description Years of Data Availability
Name of Factory Name of factory in Spanish as named by Lucas Alamán or other sources. 1843-1845, 1857
Year Year in which data is available from. 1843-1845, 1857
Region Region of México where factory is located. 1843-1845, 1857
Location City, town or location of the factory. 1843-1845, 1857
Owner Listed dueños of the factory. “Varios socios” as implies multiple owners as written by Alamán. 1843-1845, 1857
Factory Type Type of production (either spinning or weaving) done in the factory. Many factories did both. For 1857, this was either "Cotton Factory" or "Wool Factory." 1843, 1857
Spindles Operating Total number of spindles current operating at time of data collection. 1843-1845, 1857
Spindles Under Construction Total number of spindles planned or under construction. 1843-1845
Spindles Inactive Total number of spindles not actively producing, extracted from 1857 data only. 1857
Total Spindles Total number of operating spindles, spindles inactive, and looms under construction. 1843-1845, 1857
Looms Number of looms employed in the factory. 1843
Hours Worked Numbers of hours worked Daily in factory 1843
Weekly Wage Amount paid to workers each week in (Spanish) dollars. 1843
Weekly Weight of Cotton Produced (Quintales) The weekly weight of cotton produced measured in quintales. 1843
Purchase Price of Cotton (Spanish Dollars) Amount cotton purchased for in (Spanish) dollars. 1843
Weekly Yarn Produced (Pounds) Weekly weight of yarn produced in pounds 1843
Weekly Mantas Produced (Pieces) Weekly amount of mantas produced in number of pieces. 1843
Power Power that drives the factory. Either vapor, water, arms, or mechanizaiton. 1843
Name Changed For 1844, 1845, and 1857, either Factory Name, Location, or Owner was changed to fit 1843 data. 1844-1845, 1857